Sick Baby
5 Months
Today marks 5 wonderful months with Blythe. Blythe has already changed and learned so many things in 5 months, as you have already read about.
This past weekend Blythe and I went to San Saba for a girl’s weekend, aka trying to remove all distractions from Jason so he can study for his qualifying exams. We celebrated Great Grandma Barbara’s 80th birthday and visited with Kevin and Jan. Although Blythe was not her typical smiling, laughing self she was still cute as can be. Blythe started running a fever on Friday morning and we thought we were over it by Saturday afternoon, but it was back on Sunday when we returned to College Station. We went ahead and took her to the doctor Monday morning and the doctor said she had a GI virus and we would just need to wait it out. She still felt a little warm this morning, but I am hoping that her and Jason are having fun and feeling well.
Lately Blythe has been sitting in her high chair (this is her new hang out place)
Holding her own bottle when mommy is at work:
And Sitting in the Grocery Cart..she is getting too big too fast
4 Month Appointment
Blythe's First Christmas
We had dinner with the Zollo's that evening (family friends of the Wilkes) and enjoyed Christmas mass and dinner with the Beaumonts on the 24th.
We enjoyed Christmas day with the Wilkes family and although Blythe was too young to open presents she did enjoy the noise of the crumbling sacks. Blythe also went swimming for the first time!
We had a great visit with Grandma and Grandpa Zinser on the 26th! We headed to Waco on the 27th to do the annual white elephant gift exchange with the extended family. Blythe got live lullabies that evening:
We headed to the ranch on the 27th to have Christmas with Momo and Aunt Jalyn.
We returned home on New Years Day and since we have been home Blythe has decided that she is done laying down, she is ready to Sit Up:
and Stand Up:
I tried to tell Blythe that she is not supposed to be sitting up by herself for another 2 months, but I don't think she is listening!