
Contra Dancing

This past weekend we packed up and headed to Austin to attend a dance party with Nathan and Caitlin. Contra dancing is a lot like square dancing so Jason and I were familiar with lots of the moves because the ELI has a square dance party each semester. Jason put Blythe in the baby pouch and danced with her, she was laughing and giggling. Unfortunately we were all dancing and having such a great time that we didn't get a picture :(.

Not only was this Blythe's first dance party, but it was also her first "camping" trip. Jason and I pitched a tent in Nathan's backyard. The rain, lack of breeze, roosters, and hens really made it feel like we were camping and not just in the backyard.

On Saturday morning we left Blythe napping with Great Grandpa Behrens and the rest of us rode our bikes to the market in downtown Austin:
Blythe is really on the move now, we need to get a new video so you all can see how talented our little lady has become. Now that she is actively crawling everywhere she can get to all kinds of things to pull up on. She is also clapping and LOVES shoes. You will see Blythe crawling the fastest when someone has abandoned their shoes and she gets a glimpse of them. She makes a bee line to the shoes and instantly wants to suck on the soles of the shoes, YUCK!. No we don't let her chew on the shoes (for long :)).


Mobility Came With The Rain

When I went to pick Blythe up at Crissy's house this afternoon she made her first real crawling attempt (arm, leg, arm, leg)!! Then she sat herself up and looked around like "did I just do that?" I bet she will be into everything by this time next week.



This year we spent Easter at the ranch with Momo, Jalyn, Larry, Tom, Jen, and Heidi. No Easter is complete without dying eggs

After dying eggs Jason and Blythe fed apples to the horse:

And checked on the Cows we are fattening up to take to the slaughter house:

What Holiday would be complete with a photo shoot with Blythe?

After Easter Lunch it was time for the Egg Hunt:

On Sunday Mom and Dad went for a ride on the horse:

All the excitement on the ranch wore Blythe out and she slept the entire way home:

Once we got home Jason assembled the Red Wagon and Blythe had to show off:

(we tried to tell her that this was a riding toy and not a standing toy).


Pulling Up and Walking

Yesterday Blythe officially pulled herself up with no assistance. Jason has her sitting in the laundry basket (she likes to sit in there) and the next thing he knew she was standing. I hadn't left for work yet and I was a little skeptical that is was completely unassisted, but she decide to show off for mommy too! She has pulled herself up when we give her our thumbs and even though we don't think we are assisting her we might have been, but this was ALL Blythe.

Yesterday Blythe and I went to wish Maddie a happy 2 weeks. While we were there Blythe did not want to sit, she wanted to stand and walk. She has been working on getting one foot in front of the other (thanks to the walker daddy made) she has figured it out. She walked (with her hands being held) from one side of Jennifer's house to the other. I was very impressed and thought "that must be like a baby marathon!"

No crawling yet, but each day I think we get a little bit closer......


Bluebonnet Pics Attempt

This is what Blythe said when we asked her "don't you want to give us one good smile with the bluebonnets?"
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Sew Mama Sew

Several of you saw my post on Facebook that I was turning old shirts into reusable grocery bags and wanted to see the finished product. I would love to say that I had this idea all on my own, but I got the idea here. There were several steps on there that I didnt like so I basically read through hers and then did some of my own....Here it is

1) Cut out the sleeves and neck

2) Make about a one inch fold on each side (at bottom) to create a pleat for a more reinforced corner
3) Pin your corner fold and the bottom hem together (unless you are talented enough to free hand it!)

4) at the center of the neck line measure down 3-4 inches and make a dot
5) From the start of each sleeve measure down 5-6 inches and make a dot
6) Connect your dots to create a W shape - see neck line in above picture
7) Cut out your W - this makes tabs like you see on plastic bags

8) Sew 2 "straight" lines below the bottom hem of the shirt

9) Get your husband to model your end product!