I love the sunshine, I NEED the sunshine. The sun is a huge source of energy for me. When I walk outside and feel the warmth of the sun on my face I instantly feel energized and ready to tackle anything. Some people have this huge need to feel all 4 seasons for more than a day or two, but not me, I could do summer, summer, summer, or at most summer and spring, and I would be perfectly content to ditch fall and winter all together. Clearly, the dreadful freezing weather that us Texans experience for several weeks was not exactly 'my kind of weather,' but luckily I live in Texas where we can go from 32 degree highs one day and 78 degree highs the next. So we suck it up on the cold days, learning to knit cute hats and crochet cute flowers to make it look like we are enjoying the cold weather, and we soak it up when the sun comes back around. The sun has come back around and we have celebrated by spending lots of time outside, and eating has been no exception. I think we have picnic'd at least 7 out of the last 10 days and I'm not sure how lunch eaten anywhere but on the picnic blanket will go over. This morning as we were pulling out of the drive way Blythe asked me "you got the picnic blanket, right?"

This picture is a bit nostalgic for me because it was this very gazeebo almost a year and a half ago where our relationship with the Winds started. Blythe was just perfecting her walking skills.

On Saturday we got to celebrate the baptism of Lucy Crow. Her Uncle, Father Justin, studied to be a priest in Rome so we had a 'formal' baptism which made our kids baptisms look like a drive through. I volunteered to take pictures at the baptism and the formal baptismal setting, starting outside and making our way into the church, and then to the baptismal fountain provided some great natural light. I don't know if it was the formality of it or the fact that he studied and has been a priest in Rome for 8 years, but it somehow just seemed more official. Thanks to the Crow's for including us.

Saturday evening we headed over to the Romansky's for a slumber party. They have a back apartment so we put our kids to bed in the back and stayed up till the wee hours having adult beverages and playing 500. Father Justin was conducting the 7am mass so we took a nap on Saturday night and started our Sunday at 6:30am. The plus side of going to 7am mass is you literally have the entire day ahead of you as of 8am...I think we all looked at each other at 10:30am (ok not the kids, but us adults) wondering if it was nap time yet.
I am signing off today with a few pictures of my cute girls doing the home thing. We are often out and about, but when we are home there is plenty of dress-up, admiring yourself in the mirror, and being the teacher of ballet class.

p.s. I have already talked to the maid about cleaning those mirrors so the kids can see themselves better!