On Saturday Jason and I finished installing our clothes line. Now some of you might be thinking "clothes line?? hello this is the 21st century," BUT when you think of how fast your clothes can dry for FREE outside in the sun and then toss them into the dryer for 5 minutes to get the crunch and wrinkles out you will see that this is very economical! We have to hang dry all the cloth diapers so why stop there? I had a successful weekend doing laundry WITH hanging the clothes on the clothes line. As Jason says "we no longer have a dryer, we have a fluffer."
Saturday evening we went to Julie and Brenna (running group leaders) birthday party. It was a lot of fun. I did not plan to show off my ever growing baby belly, but needless to say, they were having a survivors challenge and I just couldn't resist participating. So at 8 months pregnant I completed the following obstacle course:
1) doggie paddle to one end of the pool
2) place a noodle in between your legs and swim back to the other side
3) lift yourself out of the pool (this was a challenge, I still haven’t programmed myself to remember that I have a watermelon where my stomach used to be so as I was pulling myself out of pool I scrapped my belly, then realized I had an extra 16 pounds to pull out of the pool, WOW that was a challenge, BUT I did it on my own and yes my arms were shacking.
4) 5 frog jumps
6) next was forward crab walk to the diving pool
7) jump/dive into the 15 foot pool and come back up with a diving ring
8) with diving ring in mouth bear crawl across the sand volleyball court forward and then backward
9) 5 burpees (or up downs if you know them as that)
10) crab walk backwards up the hill
11) blow up a balloon and then pop it
***Did I mention that I was in a bikini while doing this?? No pictures have been recovered yet, but I saw lots of cameras so I am sure there are a few hilarious pictures of this incident that I will post for everyone to laugh at
The exciting part of the survivors challenge was that I was the 3rd girl overall and 8th overall out of about 25 people, keep in mind that this is my running group (you know those crazy people that run marathons) and I was still somewhat competitive at 8 months pregnant. The real congrats goes to Jason, yes Jason Wilkes, who got first place!
Sunday morning we went to church and then I went to a shower. One of the faculty members from the ELI was recently blessed with the adoption of a 9 year old girl so we were showering her and her daughter.
Sunday evening we had the married couples group dinner which is always a blast! Now it’s Monday..DARN, but I just keep reminding myself that every Monday leads to a Friday which leads to one week closer to Baby W!
Fetal development in pregnancy week 35:fetus in eighth month Congratulations! You’re now carrying nearly 6 lbs of baby not counting their amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, or the placenta itself. We’re impressed because that’s a LOT of work non-stop. Are you feeling proud of yourself yet? Well, get to it—you’ve done an amazing job! At this point, your little grower is almost busting out of the womb size-wise, which make their restricted attempts to move much challenging. Of course, your stubborn little sucker is still trying to move around as if they weren’t in a cramped space. And the accumulationg baby fat deposits are starting to level off so your little butter ball will be padded and warm when they head out of their super snug little home.
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