
Past Week

Daddy got a new computer so Blythe played with the packaging:

Daddy tried to tie the Moby wrap, but mommy had to show him how to do it:

Our friends, the Hartl's, have a little boy 7 weeks older than Blythe.  Crissy has gone back to work part time and her and I are watching each others babies three times a week and the other 2 days they are with thier dads.  This past week was Crissy's first week back to work so I got a dose of what it would be like to have twins.  So far it has actually been easier than I expected.  Both Blythe and Ian have been very good babies and have napped pretty well in the afternoon.  Here is a pic of Ian and I playing in the Moby wrap while Blythe was napping:

Blythe has learned to smile and it is SO rewarding!


Last night Jason and I had the privilege of telling our birth story to a Bradley class.  It was fun to re-read the birth story and to be "on the other side." 

We are taking our first road trip to DFW with Blythe.  I am currently making a list of all the things we need to bring for Blythe.  My mom was right when she said that we will feel like we are taking everything, but the kitchen sink! 


  1. 2008-10-08

    2008-10-08 05:25 pm UTC (link)
    looks like fun! except for poor Blythe in Jason's moby wrap. Child abuse?? must be complicated to tie ;)
    Yall have fun in DFW. I'm not going to be able to go anywhere carting a baby + my stuff + everything but the kitchen sink. Not on time, anyway. ;)

  2. 2008-10-08
    That is hilarious!!!

    - Jen C.
