
Blythe's 1st Halloween

Blythe was a frog for her 1st Halloween and Jason and I went as Prince and Princess (making Blythe the frog princess).  The ELI (where I work) always hosts a Halloween party for the ELI students.  For many of the students this is the first time they have heard of Halloween and I am always so impressed how trusting they are.  We tell them to dress up and they do and they are also very creative!  Jason did an awesome job with his prince costume.  He put it together with one trip to Good Will.  I used the dress that I made for Prom back in high school and we borrowed Blythe's frog costume.  We didn't get any great pictures because our poor frog was just too sleepy.  She slept through the entire party and didn't even wake up after getting a diaper change and changed out of her frog costume.  She was really sleepy on Saturday as well so we are guessing her body is working hard from the shots. 

On Saturday we went to the BCS Moms Halloween party and since it was hot and not necessarily a costume party we decided not to dress up and Jason put Blythe in her I'pood onsie, so I guess she was an ipod.  We met some families on the board and met a little boy who was born one day after Blythe!

On Sunday we had a real treat.......a visit from the Kennemers!  Blythe got to meet her cousins William and Andrew for the first time!  While Julie was holding Blythe I asked the boys if they were ready for Julie to have a baby in her arms all the time and they said "no."  I also asked the boys if they were having a brother or a sister and they both said sister...we will know soon. 

I hope writing this doesn't jinx it, but Blythe slept for a 7 hour stretch last night and the night before.  Man I never knew 7 hours of sleep would feel so long!

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