We spent our last 3 days in Quito and they were pretty low key. The first day we arrived in Quito we had to bid our trusty driver and guide farewell. We wouldn't need them in the busy city and the airport is only 30
minutes away so it was time for them to head home to their family back in Guayaquil, they missed Christmas, but at least they will be home for New Years. We had a parting lunch and then we were going to say our goodbye's but they convinced us that we should let them take us to the museum. If you
remember from earlier we
haven't had much luck with Museums and this was no exception. It was quite a
feat to find the museum and once we finally found it they were going to close in about 20 minutes, but luckily they did let us in, for FREE! Of course since I decided to pack a smaller bag and just throw in a few diapers and wipes Blythe has a huge blow out and kicks her pants. Knowing that we were only going to be there for about 20 minutes and then returning to the hotel I was not going to put the soiled britches back on her. So yes, I let my 16 month old run around a museum in a diaper and sweater! After the museum they dropped us off at the hotel and we said our goodbye's for real this time.
Day 13 we got to experience the local public transportation which was good. I was impressed that kids right the bus for free until the age of 6, although to be fair Ecuador was VERY baby/kid friendly. We hopped on the bus for .25 a piece and made our way to the first
location of the "walking tour." We hit several "hot spots," but to be honest nothing really stood out in my mind, but
that's pretty much how we spend our 2
nd day in Quito. Day 13 was also New Years eve, but as I am sure you won't be surprised to hear I did not welcome in 2010 at midnight. The gang was watching a movie and Blythe decided she needed a bit of a nap. Normally at 6:30 I would not encourage a nap, but I thought hey she might take a nap till around 8, then we will go eat and have a later night. We were watching the movie in Jim and Becky's room and Blythe and I curled up on the bed for our "nap." Apparently Blythe was exhausted because she just kept sleeping. The gang headed out for dinner about 8pm and when they returned around 10pm Blythe was still asleep. I fell asleep while they were at dinner and I wasn't very motivated to move and luckily no one asked me. At some point Jim and Becky decided they were ready to crash so we did a "room switch" for the night. Pretty funny how a little 16 month old can rule the roost.
Day 14 we hopped back on the bus and took a ride back into old Quito to see if another museum was open, NOPE. Clearly Ecuador is not the place to go if you are a museum person, or perhaps it was because we were there during the holidays and power outages. We spend the remainder of the day checking out a few parks and taking it easy. We played a few games of cards and enjoyed a relaxing day before our next big travel day.
Day 15 we started at 6:00am so we could be loaded and headed to the airport by 7am. Blythe slept for a total of an hour and a half from Ecuador to
DFW and then slept the entire way from
DFW to College Station. I think she did MOST excellent in the airplane and I couldn't have asked for more. Other than the few sleepless nights I was very impressed with how well Blythe traveled
overseas and how well she
dealt with her lack of freedom.
Lots of thanks to the Wilkes parents for letting us tag along :)