The Romansky's welcomed a baby girl into their family last night at 9:38pm 6lb 6oz 19inches. Healthy mom and baby and a second successful natural child birth! WAY TO GO Romansky's!
I am eager to meet the latest edition, but after being the 'new mom' I can hold off and give the family a few days. Before you are in that situation you are so eager to go see the new baby and you don't really factor in ALL the people who go to the hospital and how that might be overwhelming, but then you have one and wise up!
Blythe is really talking a lot these days, probably still only about 15 discernible words, but lots of babble and it seems like each day one of those babbles becomes a real word, at least that mom and dad can discern.
Blythe's latest super cute thing is to pick up a purse (preferably mine, but I try to keep it out of reach), put it on her arm and then wave bye bye and walk away, its SO cute!
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