Our neighbors who have a wooden slatted exterior house had their entire house re-painted in about 3 hours. Our neighbors have a lot more surface area to paint than we do since we have mainly brick so we figured we would have Big Event paint the outside of our house. This was a fairly small project and we figured we wouldn't even use up their entire 4 hours, we now know that was wishful thinking. When Big Event came to evaluate our job they even had us add on a few projects in hopes of having them work the entire 4 hours. We added painting the pool room and the garage.
It's a good thing we didn't get around to prepping the garage and the pool room for paint because our crew didn't even finish the exterior of the house or the pantry. Our pantry was a nasty yellow color so we decided a fresh coat of white paint would be nice and our pantry is pretty small so they should easily be able to get the pantry and exterior done...right??? WRONG.
Don't get me wrong this was all free labor and of course you get what you pay for, we just never in a million year, thought that they wouldn't finish. We didn't exactly NEED another project on our list.
We had 2 people painting this pantry for 4 hours. I went back and did a second coat in.....45 minutes with a toddler to entertain. Oh Texting, what have you done with our hard workers???

Blythe helped me organize the canned goods.
My intention was to take some before and after pictures, but the after clearly will have to wait for another day. The crew finished painting the shed and 3/4 of the front of our house. We had 11 students. Jason and I just laughed as we thought that we could have accomplished this same job just the two of us in that amount of time. So we have changed our thinking to having our house re-painted by Big Event to our house being primed by Big Event and then we can go back and paint it. For those of you coming to town for Easter, bring your painting clothes :)
Side and back of the house, not touched :(
Porch, one girl literally painted around that window for an hour+

Shed in the works, hey at least this was finished!
One the sunny side, we had amazing weather on Saturday and enjoyed suckers and kisses from daddy!

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