My little love bug has recently become quite the little artist. At least a dozen times a day you will hear her say "color Thomas," or "where my markers, I color." It is fun to watch her carefully turn the pages in her Thomas coloring book looking for the perfect page she wants to color. Sometimes she stays on the same page long enough to douse it with different colors and exclaim all the items she sees on the page. Other times she can barely turn the pages fast enough as she selects one lucky color to mark a line or two on each page, turning the pages as fast as she can. We refer to this as speed coloring when she insists that you color along. Choose your color wisely because you do not have time to change colors, in fact you are lucky if you have enough time to color an entire wheel, whistle, or face. So don't be alarmed when you see purple fences, orange wheels, or even pink dogs! Thus far she has not crossed from her Thomas coloring with crayons to her blank pages coloring with markers. When she wants to color with her markers she gets out her blank doodle pad and away she goes. Luckily she doesn't realize how bad of an artist her mom is and she is happy to have mommy draw umbrellas, balloons, hats, etc.

Although her shoe fetish has died down she still loves all things shoes and sock related...even in the dead of summer. She tried very hard to convince Mamo and I that we should join her in wearing winter socks in the summer.

My little one is also quite the helper. If she catches you in the kitchen without her she will loudly proclaim "Blythe's steps." Letting you know that she will be joining you on the step stool, and watch out because she can maneuver that thing very quickly and without regard to other objects or people in the way! But could you tell this little cutie that she can't help??? I sure can't.
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