Unfortunantly baby James was sick the next day so Patrick and Kera didn't end up going after all, but we ran into our friends Kristin and Mike. Mike had signed up for the Men's Kolache eating contest and Jason decided that he couldn't let Mike do it alone. The entry fee was $10 and I was thinking to myself 'seriously, we are going to pay $10 for you to stuff your face? But Jason and I had decided on our 5th year wedding anniversary that we needed to have more fun so I just looked at is as an investment of fun.' As Jason was signing his name and paying his entry fee Mike mentioned that he would be pretty sore if he lost to Jason. I just chuckled because Jason isn't a big guy, he's never attempted an eating contest before, the man who won last year consumed each Kolache in 9 seconds which was crazy fast, so obviously Jason wasn't going to win. Don't get me wrong Jason always ends up being good at anything he does, but I didn't really think he would be a real competitor....
Here's Mike and Jason gearing up for the big consumption:
Then the game faces go on:
And the horn is blown:
And the winner was going to be determined by the first person who consumed all 8 Kolache's the quickest and stuck out their tongue:
Who would have thought that winner would be Jason (sorry Mike)
So Jason's $10 entry fee ended up sending us home with $40 more than we started with and a cap that Jason has worn ever since, declaring him the State Men's Division Kolache eating contest winner.
By the time we watched the other divisions and celebrated Jason's wining, we had just enough time for Blythe to check out the petting zoo and then it was time to load back up and head home for a nap.
And now spring forward to the weekend of September 18th:
We headed to DFW to celebrate Grandma Debbie's 60th Birthday. We were lucky enough to get all the kids and Grandkids together for a family photo. Corralling a 9,6,3, two 2 year old's, a 17 month old, and an infant for multiple pictures...not the easiest thing to do.
Blythe LOVES birthday's. Probably because she knows that birthday's mean she gets to sing the birthday song and eat cake. But on this birthday she also go to play with her cousins, and Jericho got to meet her Great Grandma Ruth!
I LOVE long toddler eyelashes!
Way to go Jason!!! the mormon world is so small: I actually know Mike and his sister. His sister better. And I can't believe how chubby little Jericho is getting!! SO cute.