This past weekend the girls and I saddled up and made our first girls trip. I had everything timed out and ready to go to make for an excellent road trip..well as excellent as it could be with one mommy and 2 kiddos. I had a bag of tricks and snacks to entertain Blythe with and my fingers crossed that Jericho would sleep the entire ride. We had a play date Friday morning at Crissy's house so the game plan was to leave after Jericho ate because she usually eats every 3 hours which would give us just enough time to get door to door. Jericho was supposed to eat at 12:15pm, but that came and went and she was not at all interested. By 12:45pm we needed to get out of Crissy's hair so she could do her lunch and nap routine and I had given up on Jericho. So far the plan was in the tank. I just laughed and thought well Jericho will wake up in 45 minutes to an hour, just as Blythe is falling asleep, and decide she is desperate to eat. Either God had sympathy for me or luck was on my side because Jericho slept for an hour and a half and Blythe slept the last hour of her nap. Just as Blythe was waking up and ready for lunch I heard the rustlings of Jericho and saw a playground! WOW could I have gotten any luckier? Both kids waking up at the same time and not be 20+ minutes from the next town, let alone a town big enough for a restaurant with a playground. It worked out perfectly because Blythe got to take a break from the car and play on the playground while I nursed Jericho then Blythe and I ate lunch and packed back into the car. Jericho went right back to sleep and Blythe did a pretty good job of entertaining herself for the rest of the trip. We arrived to San Saba disaster free!

Blythe and Jericho's great Aunt Jan is visiting from Australia along with 2 other couples so we took them to the San Saba dance on the square (not to be confused with square dancing).

Blythe could not dance enough, the only problem was that she didn't want her feet to hit the ground so Mamo and Aunt Jalyn took turns toning their arm muscles with a 22 pound weight while I had the 15 pound sack of potatoes to dance with.

And second, only to endless hours of dancing, is watching your mom read a book to your little one.

Does this make me a Redneck?

Look Who's 3 Months old!

I thought Jericho was only rolling front to back.....

I left Jericho on her back on the couch and made sure she was blocked in, just in case, but after leaving the room for maybe 2 minutes that is what I came back to. And being a second time mom I didn't scoop her right up, instead I grabbed the camera!
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