
A day like Alexander

Right after getting dressed to head out the door to Jericho's 4 month appointment she decided to spit up all over her outfit (luckily it had a bib and she was wearing it so we just tossed the bib and went on our way). Once we got loaded in the car I realized we didn't have enough gas to get to the appointment and as I was filling up the car the auto stop didn't work and gas went everywhere. I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad morning.

After we pulled into our parking spot at the dr.'s office I pulled Jericho out of the car seat to discover that she had decided to empty her system (trying to get off a few ounces before weigh in) and it was everywhere. As I am changing Jericho in the passenger seat and receiving funny looks I realized that I didn't pack a complete change of clothes for Jericho. I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad morning.

I decided to throw her in the wrap in just a diaper with a blanket over her since they make you strip them down first thing. I got a few stares as I walked into the doctors office with a half naked baby, but oh well. The drama for the morning luckily stopped there. We had a great 4 month appointment. Jericho is topping the scales at 16 pounds 7 ounces, maintaining her place at the 95th percentile and measuring 25 inches long, placing her in the 75th percentile for length. She didn't cry for the first shot and gave a slight cry at the second one, but was over it as soon as I picked her up.


  1. Enjoyed all....some days are just going to be horrible, but they always leave some great unusual memories. If I had to vote, I would say you are a pioneer.

  2. 16 pounds!?! Wow, girl! I thought Jacey was chubby! LOL She's measuring 50% weight and 90-95% height! :-D
