Jericho was happy as pie to sit in the high chair and even gave Jason a great big smile as he approached her with the spoon, but that's where the smiled ended. He touched the spoon to her lips, she gave a quick short little lick and wrinkled her nose. Jason managed to get some of the oatmeal into her mouth, but he couldn't make it stay. She not only had the grimacing face, and the look of 'what the hell are you doing to me,' but she even had the gag down. I am taking this as a compliment that my breast milk is just so good my kids don't want anything else.
I recently started watching Baby James three days a week and he is a rock start when it comes to eating solids. I thought perhaps Jericho might give into the peer pressure so I tried bananas this morning and the reaction wasn't any better than the cereal. Although Jericho is always grabbing for our food and appears to be interested apparently that is where it stops. I guess its a game to her, how much food can I grab off that plate or how much food can I knock on the floor.
So far Blythe is enjoying the role as big sister x2, but the newness may soon wear off.
It is a rare treat at our house for Blythe to give a baby a bottle and she did a great job on our trial run with Jericho. Unfortunately when it came to the real deal Jericho was NOT interested in the bottle and when Mamo and Jalyn asked Blythe if they were doing something wrong Blythe responded very matter of fact "Jericho doesn't take a bottle."
Oh to have these eyelashes
As of 11:34am Jericho hit the half year mark. We are clearly having a lot of fun because time is zooming by us. I will have to postpone the 6 month photo shoot because Jericho's left nostril did not want to cooperate and if anyone knows how to wipe a baby's nose without sending their lungs to high gear and immediately wiping a smile off their face, give me a hollar. So yes I realize that my child has a snotty nose and yes I used to be one of those people who, when they saw a kid with a snotty nos,e quietly said to myself "I will never let my kids run around with boogers in their noses," and now I am eating those words because although the green slime that drips out like a leaky faucet from sun up to sun down is not the cutest thing in the world, it is something I can live with from time to time because if I spent all day wiping noses and using the nose sucker we might outdo all the barking dogs and win the noisiest house on the block award.
Blythe and I decided to go ahead and dive into the next holiday this afternoon so we got craftastic and created a little bit of love for our living room:
Just like with cooking, the one down side to being crafty is the clean-up; although, I think Jericho gets the prize for the ones who hates it the most. Luckily she has a big sister who is there to protect her from the big bad vacuum and she does her best to console her telling her "it's o.k. Jericho, your o.k. Jericho."
And when you are craving marshmallows by the campfire sometimes you have to settle with marshmallows by the toaster.
Sleep has been very scarce here lately with all the sniffles and coughs and what have you's so this sleep deprived mama is going to bed, with dreams of a full night of sleep, so she can wake-up and be ready for another day in paradise, even if the night is far from barefoot toes in the sand.
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