I can't imagine not having the freedom to see my beautiful daughters hair all day everyday, especially outside where the wind blows it out of control and it is kissed by the sun.
I don't know what I would do without the right to own land and do with it as we please. What would warm afternoons with little feet and boots filled with water do?
My dad once sent me a birthday card that said, "Pigtails are about as much fun as hair can have," and I have to agree. I sure am glad that we, as in females, have the same rights as everyone else and can express ourselves with our hair and what we wear. Introducing Blythe and her first experience with pigtails! (yes mom, I know you aren't a fan, but really how can you not be, they are SO cute!)
These are girls after my own heart, enjoying the dryer in the same way Jalyn and I did (I think the girls playing in the dryer is more action than the dryer has had in a while thanks to the clothes line and that great SUN).
A while back I used the muffin pan to distribute a few snacks for a play date and Blythe thought it was the best use of a muffin pan, ever. Until recently she would just pull it out and say she wanted snacks in it, but now she has decided she can bypass the dictator of the house and help herself. The reusable cup cake holders were her added touch.
(not captured in this picture is the wonderful mess she left after pulling out all the different containers of animal crackers, peanuts, raisins, etc.)
I love toddler fashion, she comes up with some of the cutest things!
Jericho is steadily standing for 10-15 seconds at a time and walking beside you while holding one had, look out world this one is going to discover the freedom of walking before too long.
We hope everyone had a great weekend!
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