We had a low key fourth of July this year seeing as we just returned from South Carolina and are about to head to the beach in Galveston. We decided to stay put here in Bryan and enjoy the day with just the four of us. There is a local celebration down the street from us so Jason and Blythe headed over there and Jericho and I followed once her morning nap commenced.
Both of the girls participated in the sack race so they could score a flag pinwheel.
Neither one really cared for it; hopefully the pinwheel was worth it
We spent most of our time taking pictures at various spots
Blythe spotted the face painting station and her face lit up, with the way she took off running you would have thought she heard someone say "last call and we're closing down the booth." I caught up to her and she was carefully picking out what she wanted to have painted on her face. At first she talked about a butterfly around her eyes, then she decided on a flag, and then at the last minute when she got in the chair and the lady asked her "what do you want," she responded with "a sheep," the lady was like [hum, that’s odd, sigh, then smile] "I can do a sheep!"
She was very proud of her sheep. I'm not sure how sheep go with the fourth of July or even why she thought of a sheep, but that's what she wanted and the lady delivered.
Jericho even got to do one of her favorite things
I'm desperately hoping the Fedex or UPS guy is going to arrive any minute with the parts that are needed to fix the big computer. Last Thursday I was working on the computer and POOF it just powered off, never to turn back on again. Luckily the computer still had 93 days left of warranty so Dell is going to pay to get it back up and running, but after trying to diagnosis it and then all the holidays (i.e. lack of mail running) we are looking at almost a week. It wouldn't be such a big deal except that is the computer I use to make the memory books and I am stuck with the sad reality that there is NO WAY Jericho's memory book is going to be ready by her birthday party and probably not even by her birthday :(. I worked so hard to get it all up to date and essentially ready to print except the last page that I was going to throw together once we got home from our South Carolina trip, oh well. So if you don't hear anything from me for the next few days it is because I am furiously trying to get the computer back in running order and the last few pages thrown together to ship it to the printer!
Hope you had a great 4th of July celebration!
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