[this was my FIRST attempt at pinata making..cut me some slack]
[I never would have guessed it would make it through three rounds of toddler hitting, honestly I thought it would break as soon as we hung it up]
First thing the next morning we packed up and headed to San Antonio for a house hunting trip. Jason will start his job [gasp] October 3rd so we needed to find THE house ASAP so we could all move to San Antonio together. We had a realtor lined up (of course I negotiated a discounted percentage since we were going to make this happen fast and you know most things in life are negotiable you just have to be willing to negotiate ), our loan pre-approved, and a list of 18 houses that according to the online pictures, which can be deceiving, we thought we would be interested in. After the first days visit of 10 houses Jason and I were a little discouraged, we saw what we thought were our top 10 houses and none of them came close to given us warm fuzzies. We did find one that was in an area that we really liked and had some acerage, but the house wasn’t exactly what we were looking for, so we had the original 8 more for the next day plus an additional 3 in the Fair Oaks Ranch area that we were smitten with from the first day. I asked Angel, the realtor, to start us in Fair Oaks in the morning with high hopes that we could find THE one. The first one we went into on the second day was already a vast improvement from the day before. We had a ranking system going and the first day we never go over a 3 out of 5. We left the first house of the second day both in the 4+ range so already a great start. Then we made it to the second house where we might have lingered for and hour and a half, putting us late and in need or rescheduling the other houses. We hit up the rest of the houses on day two, but nothing spoke to us like house #2 on day 2, so to the offer table we went. I was a little nervous because this house was at the top of the price range, not been on the market too terribly long, price hadn’t dropped at all, and I though it was worth at least 20k below what they were asking. It is a GREAT house, but needs some updates. We put in our official offer around 4pm on Monday and waited. We were hopeful that we would hear something back on Monday, but no such luck. We were sweating it and killing ourselves with speculation, ‘are they not even going to counter?’ ‘are they taking time to sleep on it?’ The next morning we got word of a very reasonable counter offer, but we weren’t willing to call it a done deal just yet, we countered once more, fully expecting them to come back once more in the middle and then be done. Jason stayed at the hotel while Jericho took her morning nap and Claudia, Blythe, and I went for a walk. Somehow I MISSED a call and when I listened to the voicemail I was jumping with job the Good news was that they accepted our counter and the GREAT news was that Angel was able to schedule the inspection for 2pm THAT day which would save us a 6 hour round trip drive within the next 7 days to get the inspection done! I raced back to the hotel to give Jason the fantastic news and we packed up and headed to Boerne (the closest town to our new house, 8 miles) to have lunch and walk around. We found lots of locally owned restaurants with very high ratings and a beer garden… they even have our bank in that small town; clearly we picked the right area.
Here is a sneak peek of our new house and 1.4 acres as of October 5th!
[there were deer everywhere!]
[outdoor shower and bar!]
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