My kids did not lose it once as we had a pick-up and a quiet waiting area to entertain ourselves for 2+ hours. We pretended we were in a magic school bus, with Jericho as the driver, that took us to a far away palace where we were princesses and queen's and waiting for our prince and king's to rescue us. We guessed which color our night and shining armor would arrive in. Blythe really wanted to guess pink, but in the end (after realizing how many pink cars we ever see) had a hard time deciding between red and blue, so we let her have both. I took white and Jericho chose silver (strongly encouraged by Blythe). We will never know what car those princes or kings were going to rescue us in that morning because we left our magical palace and piled back into the magic school bus for the enchanted forest.
In the back of the pick-up we hopped through an enchanted forest, we had sword fights with sticks, and practiced writing letters in the air. Once the enchantment had left the forest we headed inside to see what crafty entertainment we could come up with in there. Had it been the Enterprise location I would have let my kids play "monkey bed," [in case you aren't familiar with this game it's where your kids jump on the bed/sofa and pretend to be one of the 5 monkeys..minus the falling on their head part] but I deterred them from that and we scanned through the trashy magazines in hopes of spotting a "dog," or a "cat," or "baby." An hour later with the kids still acting like angels we cut our loses and headed to gymnastics where we caught not quite the last half of our make-up class (GRR).
So tonight when Jason called to say he was on his way home, he heard a mouthful about my day, and promptly responded, "I'll take care of dinner." That was music to my ears because it was 5:30 and I was not prepared to even think about dinner plans I was D.O.N.E. and had 200+ reusable stickers to find homes for with my girls.
I did stumble upon a lemon-doughnut recipe on pinterest and if I didn't dislike the flavor of lemons so much I would use come cookie-cutter line like "When life gives you lemons make lemon doughnuts," but instead we're just gonna try regular ol' fashioned doughnut holes....the dough is rising so we'll see how they turn out.
Some days leave you with more boo boo's than others, but that's just part of the climb.
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