I was allowed to do her lips and her mascara...Mamo was assigned the rest
The Great Backstage
To be or not to be, that was a difficult question. Part of me yearned to be backstage to encourage and pep up the tiny dancers, but the other part of me wanted to see my littler performer do her first performance in the audience where I could take a gazillion pictures, like my life depended on it. Seeing as I am not able to be two places at once I found the next best thing...My mom was backstage and I was front and center in the audience!
The Performance
We're gonna call it a performance instead of a dance because the dance part kinda fell by the way-side. At practice Ms. Constance had always stood in front of them and talked them through the dance. Somehow that didn't happen at the performance so the tiny dancers did their own thing, which pretty much consisted of circling around each other for the butterfly dance and then diving in the pond (except for Blythe) for the duck dance. I posted the performance yesterday, but today I will post the actual dance that I taped during Monday's practice so you can see them dance :)
At the end of the day, whether they remembered to circle, point their toes, turn around, lift their arms, not play with their duck bills, or just stood there it wouldn't really matter. They're tiny dancers and just seeing them on the stage dressed up as mini ballerina's is plenty cute and plenty entertaining.
Someone was very excited about her flowers!
Such a beautiful girl!