We had a FANTASTIC time in Arizona. We got to see family that we haven't seen in years and oh how we love family. This was Jericho's first time meeting her Arizona cousins and Great Aunt and Uncles and it is always fun as a mom to see your kids loved on by others.
The infamous trip...you know the one where I actually leave my kids behind for the first time...well, much to my surprise it went MUCH better than I could have ever expected. The kids did GREAT, no one ever broke down and just lost it because they NEEDED mom, I figured that would happen at least a few times. I made an envelope for the girls to open each morning that had a letter about what Jason and I would be doing that day and a coloring page to match the day. I had no idea if these letters would be exciting or if the first 2 would get opened and the rest forgotten. As it turns out the letters were very important and were eagerly opened each day, whew I got something right. I also didn't cry myself to sleep every night with heart ache and instead loved checking my phone each time we had free WiFi to see what pictures the grandparents had sent and sending pictures of Jason and I to the kids. I know I am new to the iphone (well any smart phone for that matter) business but I had to say that it was really neat to have a mini lap top that hooked up to hotel, restaurant, boat, etc. wifi and how easy it is to take a quick pictures and send it to the kids. I think that really helped all of us, all the reports I got were of smiling faces and fun had by all. A big thank you to Ladi and Papa, and Mamo who all entertained Jericho and Blythe for a great staycation.
Unfortunately, when we returned to the US my step-mother had lost her long battle with cancer and my dad was left heart broken. The girls and I quickly washed clothes and headed to DFW to hang out with Grandpa Joe and do anything we could to help him. We enjoyed spending time with all our cousins, but wish it was under different circumstances.
We barely got home in time for a July 4th celebration, but celebrate we did.
I am sure in the next few weeks things will slow down and I will be able to resume regular blog postings, but right now I have discussing kitchen floors, sheets that haven't been changed in weeks, grass that is taking over the garden, and bathroom cabinets that I started painting WEEKS ago that are all calling my name loud and clear.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your stepmother.