Our party guest arrived to crown making:
Jericho was a little overwhelmed so she had some one on one time with Papa and looked through books from afar
Next Up: Pin the Frying Pan on Flinn Ryder
I would say all in all they did pretty good
Snack Time!
Every kid got a sparkler to blow out because lets face it even the non-birthday girls/boys like to blow out candles
Jericho was proud to wear her 2 year old hat
Blythe was less than thrilled to wear her 4 year old hat
And What's a party without a Pinata
And the best part about a pinata is the candy that gets beaten out of it...well until your dad line drives the candy into your face...
All of Blythe's friends quickly grabbed the candy and brought it to Blythe to make her feel better...it worked
Jericho left Lilly to guard her candy
Everyone came for the party...EVEN Granny!
Craft #2 - Pascal Party Blowers
I love the scrunchy face
Then on to more important things like free play!
And the Mama's that made these 2 and 4 year olds possible
Second to the booze, every party needs some good food
An impromptu T-ball game:
Clearly we hit the 4 O'clock hour somewhere in here because out came the panties in true Wilkes' children fashion.
And we saved the BEST for last....
The way these girls beamed as everyone sang Happy Birthday was my favorite moment of the day, they knew it was their special day
OK, best Tangled Birthday Party Ever...glad we agree, but I know what your really thinking...exactly how much time did all this take you??
I have to toot my own horn for just a minute because I did have a lot of the party preparation done a few days in advance of the party. Blythe and I made the hanging lanterns weeks ago, and those were just random pieces of scrapbook paper back from my scrapbooking days that we folded up and ran string through to hang. Then we let the aunts wrap the light fixture with yellow and purple streamers.
I searched around 3 different stores trying to purchase plain colored party hats but those were not to be found so we went with the stripes. I contemplated spray painting them, but in the end decided the stripes would work. Byron and Paula cut out the star medallions and the numbers which I then glued to the party hats along with the fuzz ball tops.
Blythe and I worked on Maximus several weeks before the party and I had to keep my fingers crossed that he would still be in one piece by the time party day rolled around as Blythe and Jericho desperately wanted to play with him.
The amazing lollipop party favors were courteous of Ladi
A few days prior to party time I cut out all the supplies needed for the pascal party blowers and the crown hats that way all the kiddos needed to do was glue and glitter them.
I learned from last year that paper mache takes a lot longer to dry than one might think, even in 100 degree weather, so I started the pinata assembly a week before D-day. I used an oatmeal container as my template for the bottom of the pinata and then coned a piece of construction paper for the top. Then I did 5 layers of paper mache.
Then our lovely Tia decorated the pinata and I must say that it was a HUGE improvement from last years piston cup!
The amazing poster of Flinn Ryder was all Tia - the only thing I can take credit for is the printed picture from the internet that I had her drawl it from, and the frying pans which I cut out from black construction paper.
Ladi and Blythe get the credit for making the cake and the icing, Jericho gets some credit for clean-up duty
Everyone had a hand in the cake, from me making the fondant to Rachel, Jalyn, and I putting the fondant on the cake, to Jason making the base and accent pieces, and Ladi who was in charge of the structure.
It was a process, but seriously, coolest cake ever..how will we top it next year? It turned out SOO well
The braid that the guests walked through as they entered the house was probably the weakest of the decorations, but the fun the 4 of us had braiding it at midnight is one of the best memories from the weekend.
The super awesome hand-made Tangled costumes, yours truly made those! Guess what they are going to be for Halloween!
You are so wonderfully creative and that cake is just flat out amazing! It looks like everyone had a great time!