My little expressionist Jericho who usually refuses to give a cute little smile managed to muster one up and I actually caught it, but the other 99 photos were of the real Jericho, just being Jericho, and I love them.
Blythe and Lauren are two little pea's in a pod, if that's possible for a 4 year old in the 98th percentile of height and one in the 5th percentile for height, but oh they love each other.
And Dawn and I, it feels like we have known each other for 15 years, yet we haven't even known each other for 15 months. There is never enough time for conversation and I think we could sit down for a solid week and still never run out of things to talk about. I don't know if it's that we both have roots in San Saba, that our oldest are separated by a mere 2 weeks, that we live a stone throw away from each other, or more likely all those factors rolled into one. Dawn rocked out her first 5k this past weekend and I managed to wobble my way through my first 5k with a 35 week bambino on board! There are only a few weeks left to guess the arrival of Baby W so if you haven't guessed yet click HERE and make your guess. If you can't make the link work just leave your guess in the comment section or send me an e-mail and I will add it.
And Dawn's youngest, Hudson...what a cutie!
Happy Monday!
Did you make Blythe's dress, I love the fabric! Hope all is well, looks like its been eventful, patiently waiting for the blog post :)