Life with 3 has been a really easy transition for all of us. The girls adore her and love to hold her and kiss her and get chased off by me when they try to love on her while she's sleeping. Blythe is very helpful running to get a burp rag, a diaper, a wipe, some water, etc. Jericho is the entertainer, keeping me entertaining during nursing and entertaining Amelie too. She has jumped feet first into the big sister role and is doing a great job.
Blythe was recently moved up to Pre-Team in gymnastics so now we are re-arranging our schedule a bit to accommodate her new class, which also means going to the gym two times a week since Blythe and Jericho are no longer in the same class. She continues to thrive at PreSchool and loves it. The awesome free ballet program has ended and she is missing the Ballet. She asked me today "When is Ballet starting again?" The local studio around the corner is booked till next Fall so it's going to be a little while before this ballet loving girl gets to start that again, but I am sure she will get by on her freestyle. She is SO not like me. I will be scrolling through the radio and skip by a classical station and Blythe will stop me and say "can we listen to the pretty music?" I do my best to refrain from making a face, but really Blythe, classical?? I guess it's the ballerina in her.
Jericho is just plain funny. Between the funny faces she makes and the expressions and the things she says, it's like living in a comedy show every day. She loves to help out in the kitchen and has taken to crafting like big sister. She can attack a piece of paper with stickers in seconds and sometimes she hasn't been able to contain her naughty side and the stickers have been found on items other than paper, but hey she's 2..right, oh wait NO she's now 2.5, how did that happen?
Amelie is a great baby just rolls with the punches, but what choice does she have with 2 big sisters with a demanding social calendar. She is ooh'd and ahh'd over everywhere we go and gets daily comments that usually go something like "WOW..look at all the hair," I proudly smile, like I had anything to do with it, but hey I'll take credit.
As for me, I couldn't be happier. I find myself in awe that I have this life of being a Mommy and a Wife. I notice it the most when we are sitting together at Mass and I see other people giving smiles and glances and looking at their spouse either in remembrance of the days when they had little ones or the days they see in their future. I mainly identify with those wishful eyes as it feels like just yesterday that Jason and I were sitting in the pews at St. Mary's smiling at little babies and dreaming of the day when we would have some of our own. We all get up for communion and I can't help but smile as Blythe leads the way with her hands crossed over her heart, then little Jericho following behind her doing just as she does...pure cuteness and amazement of the little people we have created. Just this Sunday two different people came up to me and said "You are a great mom, what great kids," and "Wow, your kids are like angels at church."
You would think that by the 3rd kiddo I would be an expert diaper bag packer. Perhaps I am, but I guess that means I would actually have to pack the diaper bag and not just grab it as I run by it on the way out (or run back in for it). I don't know if it was the 10 months between having a kid in diapers or just Mommy brain, but in 2 months I have manged to have 2 quite humorous diaper tales. The first one goes back to when Amelie was 2 weeks old and we went to the San Antonio Zoo. Amelie had been happily snoozing away, or so I thought, for several hours and it was lunch time so also a good time to nurse Amelie. I pull her out of the stroller to find poop EVERYWHERE. All up her back, etc. I had her in a disposable diaper, using up the last of what we had before transitioning into cloth diapers, and I was quickly reminded on why I do NOT like disposable diapers. The only blow-outs I have had have been in disposable diapers. Anyways so here she is exploded. I put down the diaper pad to change her on the picnic table in 40 degree weather. I didn't think about the fact that it was freezing and I was going to have to strip her down to nothing. So here is a 2 week old baby screaming bloody murder flailing her arms everywhere, now scattering the poop from the lower half of her body to the upper half of her body... To top it off I of course remembered to throw in that oh so important extra change of clothes when I first packed the diaper bag 2 weeks ago when it was still in the 80's. So all I had was a onesie. But I got her cleaned up in the 40 degree weather, no hot water in the bathrooms so that wouldn't have done me any good, and put into a onesie and wrapped back into the (mostly) clean blanket. The second awesome diapering happening was just this past Saturday when we went to a birthday party. Little Amelie decided to poop (thankfully all contained since we were in cloth diapers), and unprepared Mommy failed to put in an extra cover. So I did what I could, I wrapped the cloth around her, hoped the onesie would keep it somewhat in place and hoped she didn't exceed the cloth diaper within the one hour we had left.
We are loving life as a party of 5!
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