A Year Ago Today.....
Blythe's First Snow
It is not very often that a Texan as young as 3 months get to experience snow!
Look at Blythe's new trick!
She has learned to grab and hold things!
Our Little Santa's First Xmas Tree
More Tummy Time
Blythe was very happy while doing tummy time yesterday with Becky (Grandmammy/Lolli). Becky was trying to get her to push up with straight arms. I don't think she ever did it, but she did last for a good 20 minutes on tummy time and that must have wore her out. She took several naps yesterday and went to bed at 8:30 (she normally goes to bed at 9:30 and wake us at 3) and didnt wake up until 5:30am to eat and then back to bed till 7:30am. That tummy time is hard work!
3 Month Photo: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2630821&l=f7d05&id=8316366
New Discovery
Daddy Less
Blythe's First Thanksgiving
We then headed out to the Lake house to spend some time with the Wilkes. Luckily they had already eaten their Thanksgiving meal so we did not have Thanksgiving food for the 3rd time. We spend the rest of the weekend at the Wilkes and Momo joined us out at the lake on Friday. Blythe is not a “hold me baby,” so wed., thurs. and Fri. were intense for her as everyone wanted to hold her and play with her and she was not getting “Blythe time.” By Saturday she was getting used to all the new faces and the amount of people had dwindled down so she was becoming more of her normal smiling, giggling self.
Jason had mentioned to me that he wanted to go out on a date while we were home for the holidays. I told him that I didn’t want to be gone for bedtime, but we could do something during the day. Since we had already watched several movies we decided to go shopping instead of seeing a movie. Blythe was in great hands, with 2 set of grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. so I was not worried about her, but I do have to admit the tears were flowing as we left the driveway. I was saying to Jason “this is just like going to work this shouldn’t be a big deal, but I guess it was the first time we were choosing to leave her instead of having to leave her.” Once we got on our way we were fine, but leaving was a tear jerker.
We headed home on Sunday afternoon and had a extra hour on our trip due to traffic, but we got home safe and sound and Blythe was very excited to be on her lamb skin and see her best friend, the fan!
In the beginning we called her baby girl a lot, but I haven't heard either one of us use that one lately. Her current nicknames are:
Doodlebritches (she got this because she is a nonstop pooper)
Doodle (I guess I have shortened it, I use this one the most)
Boogerboo (this is what Jason usually calls her, not sure where it came from)
She's Gone Country
This weekend we took Blythe to San Saba to learn the ropes of the ranch and to meet Joycelyn, John R. and Christine! Blythe learned about bulls, deer, and bears
But mainly she hung out in her bouncy seat and listened to all of us hoop and hollar
She even let mom and dad have a break and take a ride on the 4wheeler
Before we left on Sunday we took Blythe to meet her Grandpa
For more 2 months photos click here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2613898&l=ebaad&id=8316366
Last night was Blythe's first night to sleep all alone in her own room in her big girl crib! I don't think it phased her at all...but how could it with such a wonderful nursery and crib!
I am wondering if Blythe is Psychic or if my milk forms some sort of sleeping aid whenever I am taking Blythe somewhere and thinking in the back of my head, if she is not in a good mood this could be a bust. So far whenever I have taken her to situations like that she sleeps the entire time. For example, I went to play Bunco with some ladies from the BCS moms bored and she slept the entire time, when we went to the Halloween party she slept the entire time, and when I brought her to work with me yesterday afternoon she slept for 4/5 hours.
Blythe's 1st Halloween
Blythe was a frog for her 1st Halloween and Jason and I went as Prince and Princess (making Blythe the frog princess). The ELI (where I work) always hosts a Halloween party for the ELI students. For many of the students this is the first time they have heard of Halloween and I am always so impressed how trusting they are. We tell them to dress up and they do and they are also very creative! Jason did an awesome job with his prince costume. He put it together with one trip to Good Will. I used the dress that I made for Prom back in high school and we borrowed Blythe's frog costume. We didn't get any great pictures because our poor frog was just too sleepy. She slept through the entire party and didn't even wake up after getting a diaper change and changed out of her frog costume. She was really sleepy on Saturday as well so we are guessing her body is working hard from the shots.
On Saturday we went to the BCS Moms Halloween party and since it was hot and not necessarily a costume party we decided not to dress up and Jason put Blythe in her I'pood onsie, so I guess she was an ipod. We met some families on the board and met a little boy who was born one day after Blythe!
On Sunday we had a real treat.......a visit from the Kennemers! Blythe got to meet her cousins William and Andrew for the first time! While Julie was holding Blythe I asked the boys if they were ready for Julie to have a baby in her arms all the time and they said "no." I also asked the boys if they were having a brother or a sister and they both said sister...we will know soon.
I hope writing this doesn't jinx it, but Blythe slept for a 7 hour stretch last night and the night before. Man I never knew 7 hours of sleep would feel so long!
Reading, Turkey, and Animals
With all the scare about SIDS babies aren't learning to roll over, hold their head up, and crawl as soon as they used to because those muscles aren't being developed. They say you should not put your baby to sleep on their tummy, but while they are awake they should spend a lot of time in their tummy, we call this TUMMY TIME. Most babies are not a fan of tummy time because they don't spend much time on their tummy and it's frustrating to not be able to see anything. We have been trying to be better about tummy time so she gets used to it and maybe she will like it! Well this is what Blythe had to say about tummy time:
Apparently Blythe prefers to read grown up books and then tell Daddy all about it:
Aunt Connie got Blythe this adorable Little Turkey onsie, but this little turkey is going to be too big for it by Thanksgiving so we are having our turkey early:
Blythe is 8 weeks old and she already has tons of friends:
Lost My Marbles
First Aggie Game!
New Record
Blythe's First Road Trip
Blythe did great on her first road trip! She slept about half of the way to DFW and the entire way home, the weekend must have worn her out!
Friday afternnon Jason and Becky dropped Blythe and I off in Coppell so we could visit Grandma. Blythe slept most of the time, but Granmda did get to hold her for a minute. Jason took Becky to the BMW dealership in Dallas so she could drive her new M3 home! I think Jason was possibly more excited about Becky's new car than she was (thats all he talked about on the drive from College Station to DFW).
Friday evening Blythe attended her first football game. We went to the Trinity High School football game and it just happened to be Home Coming...I had forgotten about the "MUM Madness." Blythe loves being outside so she had a good time at the football game. She spend most of the time arm hopping between grandma, grandpa, nana, and Rachel, but did spend a few sleeping moment in the moby wrap with mommy!
On Saturday Blythe had her first round of Party Hopping. We had a wedding reception that started at 5:30, but when we arrived we learned that the bride and groom were not there and would be arriving later that evening or possible not until the next morning. {They were married in Denmark and had some visa/plane complications arriving in the US.} That same evening Tom and Mary were celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary so we were able to eat dinner at the reception, jump over for the anniversary celebration, and hop back over to the reception once the bride and groom arrived (thank goodness they didn't miss their party completely). Blythe danced for the first time with Lolli and Pop!
On Sunday we went to church, ate corn beef, visited Linda and Jake, and headed back to College Station.
Today is my first day back at work (only part time) and it's going well. I hope Blythe and Jason are having a good time at home.
Pictures from the weekend coming soon......
Past Week
Daddy got a new computer so Blythe played with the packaging:
Daddy tried to tie the Moby wrap, but mommy had to show him how to do it:
Our friends, the Hartl's, have a little boy 7 weeks older than Blythe. Crissy has gone back to work part time and her and I are watching each others babies three times a week and the other 2 days they are with thier dads. This past week was Crissy's first week back to work so I got a dose of what it would be like to have twins. So far it has actually been easier than I expected. Both Blythe and Ian have been very good babies and have napped pretty well in the afternoon. Here is a pic of Ian and I playing in the Moby wrap while Blythe was napping:
Blythe has learned to smile and it is SO rewarding!
Last night Jason and I had the privilege of telling our birth story to a Bradley class. It was fun to re-read the birth story and to be "on the other side."
We are taking our first road trip to DFW with Blythe. I am currently making a list of all the things we need to bring for Blythe. My mom was right when she said that we will feel like we are taking everything, but the kitchen sink!
Blythe is Baptised
Yesterday Blythe was baptised! She was excellent, she slept through the entire thing.
No Yellow
4 weeks
WOW, another week has gone by. Blythe is 4 weeks old, but won't be a "month" old till Saturday. The last 2 nights Blythe has gone back to her normal schedule! She sleeps for 4 hours, eats, 3 hours, eat, 3 hours!! I enjoy that schedule a lot more than the every hour one she did for a few days.
More Pictures!
Another Growth Spurt?
3 Weeks
Blythe at 3 weeks Blythe at 2 days old
Blythe helps mommy do the laundry!
Blow OUT
Yesterday Blythe and I were standing on the porch talking to the neighbors (Blythe was looking especially cute in her outfit Aunt Cindi sent):
when all the sudden we heard the all too familiar sound of the "diaper filler." I didn't think too much of it until I heard a splash on the concrete:
and then something on my hand:
I looked down and immediately started laughing...we had our first blow out!
As Jason said: this was an express route to the bath tub!
2 Weeks +
Yesterday Blythe turned 2 weeks old! We had our 2 week check-up and the doctor said she was "perfect!" She weighed 7lbs 4oz and grew half an inch! We had to do the newborn screen where they prick their little heel and squeeze the living daylights out of it. This was NOT fun and is making me tear up right now as I write about it. I had Jason go be with her while they did it and I stayed on the other side of the room as I knew I would likely be in tears. I think I might have cried as much as she did, as I saw blood running down her little legs I wanted to yell "your wasting it, stop squeezing and use that." She wasn't fussy yesterday so I don't think it bothered her after it was all said and done. I was going to take a picture of her poor heel with the band aid, but it fell off before I got a chance, I guess that is a memory that can be forgotten.
Blythe's umbilical cord fell off on Sunday so she got to have her first big bath and dad got in to play with her! She really enjoys the warm water.
Although they say babies don't really develop a routine this early we have a little bit of a routine forming. She takes a long nap from about 11-3, has wake time from 3-5 and then goes into what I call "marathon eating time" anywhere from 6-9 or 7-10 where she just eats/snacks non stop. When I went to the La Leche League meeting on Tuesday the other moms said their babies do the same thing and this is how the babies "store-up" for a longer stretch of sleep time during the evening. Blythe usually wakes up every 3-3.5 hours during the night.
The last of our company (Momo) has just left today so we are down to just the 3 of us. Jason and I are a great team and we are enjoying every minute with our baby girl.
Some of Blythe's Favorite Things
1) Hanging out on the Lamb skin that mom used as a baby:
2) Taking Naps with Daddy:
3) Kisses from Mommy:
4) The Changing Table (she loves to kick her legs and check herself out in the mirror):
5) Hanging out in the Bouncer:
And then there are some things that Mommy and Daddy Make Blythe do that aren't exactly "favorites"
1) Tummy Time with Daddy:
2) Being Dressed Up (Check out the cute hat Tia Rachel made):
I think Blythe might be going through a growth spurt today because she has been eating more frequently. We were told babies usually go through a growth spurt at 2 and 6 weeks, but maybe she is getting a head start. We had our first "fussy" spell today. We went for a walk till about 10am and then Blythe slept till noon, but my body was saying it was time for her to eat and it has been a solid 4 hours so we tried to wake her to get her to eat. This was not successful because she kept falling asleep, but if I would take her off to sleep she would wake up and be upset. Fortunately Aunt Melinda and Casey came by to visit and finally got her to wake up and she realized she was hungry (this was about 2:30). Since then Blythe has been eating and sleeping and being sweet, too bad we couldn't show our normal sweet self to our visitors!
Hormones: I had intended on writing this entry a few days ago, but didn't get around to it so I am inserting it here. A lot of people talk about the crazy hormones women have after delivery. Up till Monday I had not experienced any of these "hormones." Monday morning as I was un-swaddling Blythe for her morning feeding I just started crying, just seeing the amazing baby god has blessed us with and the thought of this sweet little baby growing up so fast brought tears to my eyes. A few hours later I was changing Blythe on the changing table and she was a little fussy from the cold and Jason jokingly said "is that baby giving you a hard time, do I need to spank her?" My eyes instantly filled with tears, but I didn't want Jason to see me cry so I tried to choke it up and replied "Don't spank my baby," of course I couldn't fool him and as soon as he looked at me I started balling, no reason just Hormones I suppose, especially since I am normally not a crier. Later in the day we ran a few errands and we went just a little too long and Blythe was hungry. We were on our way home and figured she would fall asleep and then I could feed her as soon as I got home, but we kept on hitting red lights so she was not falling asleep and all the sudden she really started crying hard, this made me cry as well. Jason looked into the rear view mirror and said "I will pull over at this park right here and you can feed her." Last, but not least Jalyn came back to visit that evening and made the comment "She has already grown," which made the tears flow again. Luckily that seemed to be a one day thing as I have been "sane" since. I assume these are the same hormones that allow me to be woken up during the night and be happy to feed my baby and allow me to no longer need a full 8 hours of sleep per night to function during the day.
8 Days Old
Blythe and Monica at 1 week:
Blythe's First Play Date (with Ian Hartl)
Blythe's Birth Story By Jason
Update Coming
There are lots of entries I want to write, but so far no time to do so. I just can't bring myself to try and type with one hand, but I am adding a few links to photoalbums for those of you who do not have facebook.
Everyone is HEALTHY and couldn't be HAPPIER! More updates coming soon.........
Where is Baby?
While I know that 4 couples is a small sample size I can't help but think that since the average timing of when a baby is born is 41 1/7th weeks and we have had one baby that was 4 days late, one baby 8 days early, and now 1 baby 2 weeks early, I would have to be really LATE to make that average work. I am now very eager to see what the doctor says at my Thursday appointment; hopefully he will say "any day now," and not "see you next week." I know that even they don't know when the baby will be born and it’s in God's hands, which is great, but the thought of going the dreaded 2 weeks past the due date and having to be induced is NOT appealing.
So although the 4 mile walk on Sunday didn't bring Baby W out, I am going to see if mowing the lawn and cleaning the house will work! I'll keep you posted.
39 Weeks
Baby Jason
Becky sent me these cute pictures of Jason at a day old and a week old. We shall see if Baby W resembles Jason.