[Frustrated, Stressed, and Ready for a NEW year
Ugh, this is the exact OPPOSITE of the post I had in mind earlier today. My attitude around this time of year usually reflects that of the Grinch instead of a Freak who loves holidays, but this year that has all changed, but not right now so I will save that happy post for later.
Seriously TWO contracts on our house have fallen through?? What is wrong with our house that we put SO much time and love into? Why do people who are strapped for cash and clearly stretching their limits to purchase our house make offers? Why would you pay for an inspection and the not even try to negotiate some repairs and instead just decide that you want to bail? Who came up with this 10 days essentially get out jail free card on the offers? SERIOUSLY? the computer just blacked out so not sure if that will happen again and be the end of my rant. So yes the first lady who made an offer was clearly just crazy and shouldn't even be house hunting (per the inspector whom she didn't let finish inspecting the house and her realtor), but then to have it fall through again? Yep computer blacked out again..this is fun. So this time the realtor was really up beat and positive she thought the inspection went well (same inspector as the first lady), and really thought that they were just too young, too inexperienced to buy their first house and had too much 'what-if' influences from Aunts and Uncles over the Thanksgiving break]
So on to that happy post
This morning was just as magical as I had envisioned. Our local Boerne library was hosting Santa for breakfast instead of their regular story time. I am not the type to stand in line for hours to get a pictures with Santa; therefore, we do not have any screaming Santa photos from the past 3 years. This morning all the kiddos were in their cute little Christmas outfits, mine were sporting vintage dresses, the children's section was decked out with large Santa chairs, a small elf chair, and a Christmas tree. Ms. Constance read a few classic Christmas stories and then.... Blythe has never seen Santa in person, in fact until a few weeks ago if you showed her a picture of Santa and asked her who it was she wouldn't have know him by name. I was very curious how she would react to Santa, and not a Santa in the middle of the mall surrounded by security guards and roped off from the long line, but a Santa that walked right in front of her, was completely visible and touchable. Here is her face:
The next face I missed as a huge smile came across her face and she ducked down into her legs to hide her shy excited smile. The best part about this Santa experience was that the kids had plenty of time to warm-up to Santa. At first Blythe sat by me and watched the older kids go up to Santa, but she slowly creep-ed up to Santa, giving him a nice long stare down, then took a picture standing next to Santa and finally right before Santa went back to the North Pole she sat beside him.
She was still pretty unsure about the whole thing and unwilling to let her guard down and give a smile in such close proximity.
Jericho on the other hand was happy to keep her distance and preferred eating her extra large gingerbread cookie and then stealing Blythe's.
BUT then YES, I had to do it, force Jericho to sit with Santa and get that awesome screaming Santa photo...Jericho delivered!
I never did get a great one of the girls together, but we have several more days before the big day so we'll try again!
P.S. that computer that kept blacking out on me has not fixed itself so excuse the super raw un-edited photos :)
What are you doing to
That picture of Jericho is priceless! Poor Santa, his eyes say it all ;) I'll be up the road on 46 from Boerne for Christmas and New Years, if schedules work, maybe we can arrange a visit.