The Christmas music that we have playing non-stop in the house, in the car.. but the way it makes everyone want to dance, that is the best part!
All aboard the Daddy express
Sometimes I catch myself in a trance when I am observing this, thinking WOW I really have a wonderful husband, 2 amazingly beautiful kids, and a house to call our own. I've wanted kids of my own since as far back as I can remember and sometimes its breathtaking to sit back and realize all that I have and all that we have created.
BRYAN Friends, Pink boots, and Panties and Pink boots, that's better than the best ice cream with a cherry on top!
Streaking BABY!
Being married to a know, the PhD kind, and marrying into a wonderful family, I couldn't ask for more.
Everything Christmas
I used to be the one that shuddered at the sound of Christmas music before Thanksgiving, and decorations before October..PLEASE, but this year it's completely different. This year Christmas is ours (as in Jason and I's). It's all up to us, we are having our very first solo Christmas, which means we can start any tradition we want to. We started out with a new traditions of hunting down a Christmas tree at the ranch!
We have a REAL fireplace with a mantle, perfect for those pesky stockings that I found just a few days ago.
We continued the tradition of the advent calendar this year, but changing it up a bit with the purchase of a playable nativity scene and put different figures in each day and a few 'do for others items.'
We have made reindeer food and send it along with cards to our out of town cousins. Of course we have 2 bags here for our reindeer because you know they need energy to fly to all of those houses.
We still have gingerbread dough to make and then transform into gingerbread houses, an evening at Holiday in the park, a birthday cake for Jesus, and home-made cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning.
This is 'our' Christmas and we are going to make is magical for our two little ones and hopefully we can continue these traditions for many years and many more kids to come. My hope is that one day our kids will excitedly be telling their friends about our Christmas traditions and one day when they are away with their own family, incorporating some of their childhood traditions with some of their 'own' new ones.
We've got 3 days people, make them count and not with presents and monetary things, but with time, love, friends, and family. In 10 years I doubt that my girls will remember what they go for Christmas 2011, but I bet they will remember the traditions we started and continued in 2011!
And for a quick update on me and #3, my body finally did what it needed to do, it was fast and relatively painless, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
great post. I totally know what you mean: sometimes when you just sit back and look where we are in our lives it's amazing to see how blessed we are. Awesome pics!