
A lot of work, a little play, but all good

This weekend was mainly a work weekend. Meaning I spent a solid 5 hours pulling all the weeds out of our over-grown raised garden beds. I thought about taking the easy rout and just turning the soil up, hoping for the best and pull the weeds bit by bit as they come back up, but I knew I would be happier in the long run if I did it the right way. So I showed up for my date with the weeds and with the help of my ipod taking me down memory lane as I listed to the songs that are in there and haven't been touched since I was in college, I conquered the weeds. The girls were all gung hoe on helping me dig up the weeds, but after about 5 minutes Blythe said "are we all done with this?" to which I replied "we are FAR from done with this," so she bailed and found some fun of her own. However, Jericho really enjoyed digging and even threw a fit when it was time to stop digging and go have a rest, I guess she'll be the gardener. As my nails were caked with mud, my back stiff from bending over, and my skin sun-kissed I didn't think about taking any pictures, but it would have been nice to see a before and after because BELIEVE me there were A TON of weeds.

By Sunday it was time for some play so we met up with our friends and went for a 26 mile bike ride. All fun for the kids as they reclined in their nice bike trailer and some work for us adults who were hauling said kids for those 26 miles. We biked, ate lunch, and did lots of exploring.










And then there is the ever-challenging quest to get that perfect Bluebonnet pictures before the Bluebonnets have come and gone.





1 comment:

  1. I love that Jason is wearing his old army jersey!
