But, a few months ago, I caved, I hit 'check-out', before I could talk myself out of it. I am L.E.A.V.I.N.G. my girls a country away for 8 days... I know everyone says once I am out the door I will have such a good time and I am looking forward to time with Jason and a great couple we are traveling with, but mainly up to his point I have tried not to think about it too much... just typing this brings little tears to my eyes as I think of all the smiles, laughs, cuts, and bruises I will miss during those 8 days. We have really started planning for the trip this past week and it has me paying more attention to the girls and their every detail. It's like I am already trying to store up for those 8 days I will be gone.
I'm noticing how very big Blythe has gotten, not just in stature, but maturity too. She is no longer begging me to push her, instead she is learning to pump her legs, out, and back, out, and back.
Now that Blythe doesn't need to be pushed she assumes it is the 'Big Sister's' responsibility to push Jericho.
Oh how that girl LOVES to swing
Jericho used to be my more hesitant child, but she is growing more and more independent each day, no longer wanting to be caught at the end of the slide or for you to hold her hand as she goes down
The confidence that Blythe radiates is awesome, I so wish this would last through the teenage years, but I know I'm dreaming. She will proudly proclaim, "Mom, I am beautiful, take my pictures!"
We had our first egg hunt for the Easter season yesterday and what a change it was from last year. Last year we were encouraging Blythe to go get the eggs and keep filling her basket, this year she needed zero encouragement, she knew what she was doing and what she wanted.
Jericho is my little animal lover, wanting to touch each and every moving creature without hesitation.
Digging through her basket to find something for the chicken's to eat
The look on her face when I tried to convince her to go find eggs instead of playing with the chickens
Her 'serious' furrowed brow - classic Jericho
The idea was to decorate a cupcake to look like a lamb, Blythe decided it was sugar over-load and Jericho decided she would rather dip the marshmallow's into the paste then put them on the cupcake
The way Blythe always seems to befriend the older girls
Jericho and the confetti eggs
Happy Pre-Easter!
Jericho's expressions crack me up. I hope you have a good time and think about how excited they will be to tell you about their week at grandmas! My mom said that always made leaving worth it.