Check out her leg warmers:

Blythe wanted to play in the garage, but the dirty garage is not very conducive to a crawling baby. Luckily the weather was nice so I just opened the back door and let Blythe play in the garage while Maddie and I took care of things in the kitchen. Before long she had come up with a new fashion; wearing Dada's socks as leg warmers! How in the heck she got those socks on her feet and then squeezed the much too big and very bulky socks back into her shoes I have NO idea, but she was mighty proud and wasn't even ready to take them off for bath and bed time.
Our Easter Festivities started on Good Friday with an Easter potluck play date. I volunteered to provide the mom's meal so I made bow-tie pasta with alfredo sauce and everyone had a choice between chicken and salmon for those who observe no meat Friday's. The kiddo's had awesome bunny sandwiches, among other things.

And of course our play date wouldn't be complete without some swinging and jumping!

One of Blythe's favorite toys at her friends house is the doll stroller. I wanted to purchase an $8 baby doll stroller for Blythe for Valentines day. When I talked to Jason about the stroller purchase he of course did not want me to purchase one because he wanted to make one. He is perfectly capable of making one and I am sure, as he said, it would be more industrial and would look better than the 'plastic crap,' but I also know that he is very busy and I wanted my baby to have a doll stroller sooner than later. I gave in and told him he could make it with scrap wood. Well weeks came and went and still no stroller, so I told him that I was really hopeful the Easter bunny was going to bring Blythe a stroller. Jason had everything made, but he couldn't find wheels. The wheels he did find were $36...making that $8 stroller even more enticing. In the end we found an old umbrella stroller that we were able to take the wheels off for FREE! So now Blythe has an awesome stroller, made by dad, and all from salvaged, also known as dumpster diving, materials. Jason didn't want the Easter bunny to get credit for his stroller so Blythe go it after nap time on Good Friday...pardon the bed head :)

Our guests were arriving on Saturday afternoon and we thought what better way to greet our afternoon guests than with some home-made pizza and calzones!

Stylish apron made possible by Grandma Behrens!
Loli (or whatever your name is going to be, Becky) made us a tasty Bunny cake. Papa couldn't wait till Sunday to dive in and used Blythe as an excuse to get started early.

Our little cutie sitting on the front porch putting BAB's paci in and out of her mouth. [if you don't know who BAB is or what BAB stands for you haven't spend enough time around our little one, so come visit!]

Apparently I looked really funny perched up on the edge of the bar stool with my big 'ol belly and Do-Rag or Doo-Rag (google told me both spellings and since I am not quite that gangster I don't know which one I should use).

Easter Sunday!

After sitting still for an hour + at Mass Blythe wasn't too interested in sitting for pictures, but the men wanted to get our of their suits ASAP, which was understandable.
Blythe was however happy as pie to sift through her Easter basket. And the panties the Easter bunny brought her...wells he wanted to wear every single pair!

O.K. enough of this frilly stuff its time for the Egg hunt!

I must admit that the kiddos (Blythe, Ian, and Oslo) were a lot more into the egg hunt than I thought they would be. We had filled 50+ eggs and I was really thinking that they might each pick up about 3 and then be done with it. The first few seconds Blythe and Ian were overwhelmed by their competitive fathers yelling "where's the egg, good, now get another one, come on," but they quickly got excited and started really hunting for the eggs. Oslo at first wasn't so sure that he even needed to get an egg, but after he picked one up and opened it and saw that inside that somewhat unexciting plastic egg was gold fish, he quickly put on his running shoes and gave the other 2 a run for their money!

Our neighbors across the street have chicken's and they had just gotten some baby chick's so the kiddo's got to play/pet the chick's. The kids didn't seem to enjoy them as much as Lauren!
so cute!! i love little kids and their Easter baskets. LOVE your cute little belly too!!!