Friday night we hung out with our commune buddies. If you aren't familiar with the commune reference, check
here to get up to date!
Anna Clare, the latest addition to the commune!

Blythe was very impressed that Mike had his own 'park' in the backyard!

What is needed after 3 toddler play on the swing set, in the sandbox, and eat dinner??

Baby H and Baby W #2

Conversion Time
If sleeping in a big girl bed makes you a big girl, then I guess Blythe isn't a baby anymore :(. Surprisingly this milestone was not an emotional one for me, its was really no big deal for Blythe or I. I had in mind that Blythe's 20th month would be full of big girl steps. Not because the 20th month is any kind of magical age, but because it would once again just be Blythe and I to work on these transitions without distractions. I am also hoping that starting these 2 months out she won't associate them with the arrival of #2. So the first step was transitioning to the toddler bed which happened on Sunday.
Last picture of Blythe in the crib, big change from her first picture in the crib!
Blythe helping daddy with the conversion

This was the excitement we got with the realization that should could climb in and out and put her babies in and out of the bed
Pretending to sleep..right after this she informed us that she needed a pillow

Of course Daddy couldn't resist sharing this moment with his little girl
After the conversion was complete it was time for lunch and then our first nap in the big girl bed. Blythe crawled right in, put her head on the pillow and seemed happy as pie. I think she was more thrilled at the idea of getting a pillow than the bed being different. You know its a good nap when you wake up with this kind of bed head!

From the first nap/night it has been no big deal. She sleeps in her big girl bed, she stay in there once we put her in and she has once gotten up and knocked on the door when she was awake, but usually she just stays in the bed and calls for us. WOW..she is growing up WAY too fast, but at the same time we don't ever want her to stop growing because every new day/week/phase is so fun and such a learning process. Just this morning as the three of us were waking up and accepting the fact that it was time to get moving Blythe was chatting away in sentences and Jason turned to me and said "wow, she is really starting to think in sentences." Yep she is, she is big, she is wonderful, and how we got so lucky as to get to call her ours, I don't know, buy me likey A LOT!
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