
Random thoughts and happenings

I have really slacked in the photo taking front over the last few days. Not because there is a shortage of cuties to capture, but just a shortage of brain connections to remember to throw in the camera.

We had a lovely play date at the park on Tuesday. Lauren graciously let me pay her back for the doctor's office help and let Oslo play at the park with Blythe while she had a zen grocery shopping trip. Yes, it is sad that grocery shopping can be considered a break, but lets face it, when you have a kiddo who isn't a fan of the grocery store, not having to fight the disgruntled toddler and the hatred for the grocery store can create a zen experience. Mike, Anna Clare, Robyn, Crissy and Ian joined us as well. So maybe my excuse for no pictures on Tuesday was because my 2 eyes, 2 arms, and 2 legs were keeping track of 3 kiddos :). I know I have mentioned this before, but seriously Blythe is a climbing fool. This particular apparatus that she successful scaled on Tuesday must been seen via video or at least a picture so I will try to capture it sometimes soon. I really was NOT ready for her to decide that she was big enough to climb that, heck her 2.5 year old friends don't even go there....

Tuesday morning Jason started his second 'take home exam' (remember we don't like those). He managed to squeeze in dinner with Blythe and I on Tuesday night and came home with some exciting news. His paper (thesis for his masters) received the best paper in Dynamics award and the award ceremony is in Scotland. Best part, his professor is seriously considering sending him. At first it sounds like, oh first possible vacation sans kiddo? but no, it is 2 weeks before baby #2 arrives so no traveling for this momma. BUT I really think he should go to accept his award and I am sure #2 will wait for daddy to return home. I suggested for him to see if one of his parents, or both, wanted to tag along to see him accept his award. Jason thought that was a great suggestion and I think his dad sounds pretty interested! Since Tuesday evening was pretty rushed with the 'take home exam' I didn't feel like Blythe and I properly congratulated him on his achievement so yesterday we hit up Specs and bought daddy a 4 pack of La Fin Du Monte (thanks to Darren who knew the name of it!). It would have been funny to have a hidden video of the looks I got with Maddie in the stroller, Blythe on one hip, and a baby in the oven as I hit up the local liquor store.

Blythe is saying so many words these days, there are just too many to keep up with, but there are a few words that she says that just make me smile. Not because the words themselves are anything of significance, but just the way she says them:

  • "Peeut Butter" (peanut butter)
  • "Skarcle Shoes" (sparkle shoes)
  • "My Maddie" (it's never just Maddie, she always takes ownership.."where's my maddie," "what my maddie doing?"
  • "Mooooon" (Moon, as if she needs to drag the oo's out to show the significance of how far the moon is)

And then there is our daily conversation (usually happens throughout the day)

B: "Where's dada?"

Me: "dada's at work"

B: "work"

B: "where's Papa?"

Me: "papa's at home"

B: "home"

B: "where's Mamo?"

Me: "Mamo's at her house"

B: "house"

B: "Oslo"

Me: "Oslos's at his house"

B: "his house"

And just in case you are curious, as I was, what would happen if I answer differently, here's your answer:

B: "Where's Papa?"

Me: [I looked at the clock and it was like 3pm so I thought, well technically he is at work] "Work"

B: "Where's Dada?"

Me: "home"

B: "No, papa at home, dad at work"

YEP, she KNOWS, watch out!

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