
Just call me Janitor

I think I have earned my PhD in Janitorialism in the last 48 hours. It started with a misjudgement on my part when Jericho was running around with my water bottle, playing keep away with Blythe and probably drinking more than she needed. About 30 seconds later she spit up/threw up, but it was all clear water and didn't have that ever so distinguished smell of throw up. I didn't think too much about it and we went on with our morning. Jericho went down for her morning nap while Blythe and I packed our lunches for a much anticipated park and picnic date with friends. We woke Jericho up at 11, threw (do you see a theme here?) her in the car and we were off. Just before arriving to the park I heard that undeniable sound of someone losing their breakfast. I asked Blythe, "Did Jericho just throw up?," Blythe responded, "yes, but her is o.k." I told Blythe that we needed to go home because Jericho was sick and she really turned on the charm with her desperate NEED to hang out with her friends so I conceded and said that we could play as long as Jericho didn't throw up again. I warned the friends that I would hold Jericho and to keep their kids away. I think we were there for all of 10 minutes when Jericho sealed the fate of the day and I was left covered in throw-up, with a baby on my hip also covered in throw-up, a toddler who refused to leave and instead of kicking and screaming stripped down to her underwear [where do kids come up with these things], not to mention the car seat that was a far cry from clean after a few disinfectant wipes and a cool breeze.

Up until today neither of my kiddos had ever thrown-up and thus I had not been thrown-up on, but now we have that first taken care of....I am thinking this is a first that doesn't need to make it into the baby book. By noon all was well, I had washed and hung the car seat cover and straps out (against my better judgement knowing that I would probably have more laundry to add to it, but I couldn't stand the thought of that just sitting in the washing machine and festering) and Jericho seemed to be feeling MUCH better....I will save you the play by play on the rest of the day, but lets just say that there was plenty more throw-up and diarrhea to be cleaned, so the only thing that needs to throw up in this house now is a large container of bleach to sanitize the house, but the reality is that your newly graduated Janitor will be scrubbing the place down as if it is the center of time square and we are about to have our Thanksgiving feast sans plates.

As of this morning everyone is back to their cheerful lovely selves so it was time for a park and picnic make-up that I had promised Blythe. The cooler weather delivered, the ducks ate the bread and quacked, and my girls were happy which means Mommy was happy. Jericho, unprompted, pointed to a duck and said "duck." - beaming mom followed.


Apparently Blythe was not shelling out the bread fast enough so the duck helped himself...Blythe was not amused.

Her solution was to sit in the tree and hide from the ducks..not really, this picture was taken a while later, but it made a better story.





Jericho had a good time feeding the ducks too...when she decided to feed them instead of herself




As mom's we know "say cheese, smile" never gets us that genuine smile that we are looking for, yet we do it every time and the result is something like this






Watch out for the slides, they are FAST

This is a picture of Mike and Blythe sorting out who is who, it went some thing like this
Mike: I'm the Papa and your the Mama
Blythe: No BAB's the baby
Mike: [Lilly is already in the stroller] o.k. we have two babies like twins
Blythe: No, BAB's a big girl and Lilly's the baby
Mike: k' we have a toddler and a baby

The wind storm we had the other day got the best of one of our trees...


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