
In Limbo

I'm not a big fan of being 'In Limbo' [I took the liberty of googling this phrase out of curiosity and the in limbo I am referring to is 'an intermediate, traditional, or midway state or place'] . It doesn't fit my type A, organized, game plan in place personality. It's good to stretch yourself and be outside of your comfort zone from time to time because that is how we grow and perfect who we are and who we are going to be, but it's a challenge. It's challenging to not get too excited about any one particular place yet still do the research for all the 'prospects' so you feel well informed once all the offers are on the table. It's challenging to have faith and the stamina to keep the house in tip top show ready shape when we haven't had a showing in 4 weeks [YES, I am freaking out].

The good news is that with two littles at home there are plenty of things to distract you. Like daily face painting and how fun it is to see her search through the images on google to decide what she wants on her face, how serious and quite honestly un-happy she looks while you are painting her face. Her face seriously makes you think that when she looks at the final product in the mirror she is going to break down in tears, but every time she stands there proudly in the mirror admiring her new face paint...even when Jason painted her face like a clown.


Bunny face painted by Ladi





Then there's that sweater that's 7/8ths of the way finished you just need to put on the buttons to finish up.

I thought I was good with not having a hood since I ran out of yarn, but nope I feel like the cuteness factor is missing without the hood so now it’s not quite done.

Then there's super exciting knocks on the door [that's a stretch the knock on the door is not good because the mail man always comes during nap time and seriously knocks louder than the dogs bark..I know, I know I should just put a sign on the door] when you know you have a package that was too big to fit in the mailbox and you score 2 super cute new belated birthday outfits for your little one. Behold, GGP did GOOD! (second outfit not pictured..yet)



Happy Monday everyone, we're here hoping the phone is going to ring for a showing and the mailman is going to knock to drop off some fat offer letters :)

As much as limbo sucks, it is super exciting (and a little scary) to think that in just a few weeks we will know where we are moving! Say an extra prayer for our house to sell and for us to make the right relocation decision.

1 comment:

  1. I think the sweater is super cute. Great job with the face paint!
