
The little things

We are trying very hard to enjoy the small little things in life these past few days. We have enjoyed the slightly cooler weather in the morning brought on by the chance of rain, the speed in which little freshly painted toe nails dry on a hot summer day, the fun that can be had with a simple boppy pillow, the amount of fun you can have when mommy barely turns the water hose on, and the list goes on.

Mamo came into town on Wednesday to help distract us and to see if possibly her presence would entice #2 to come out....no luck :(, but we did enjoy your company and were sad to see you go.

Wednesday afternoon I had my 41 week appointment complete with a non-stress test and an ultrasound. The non-stress test gave great results showing the baby responded as it should to contractions and movement. The ultrasound also yield good results showing that the bag of waters is still plentiful. I am a solid 4, the baby is head down and 'ready to go.' Unfortunately we had to bite the bullet and set a worse case scenario date for induction. That date is Tuesday the 13th at 10am. As you all know we are the natural type and would really prefer this baby to come on its own, but at this point I will be pleasantly surprised if he or she comes before Tuesday.

Wednesday evening we got to celebrate Ian Hartl's second birthday with the Hartl's and Romansky's. Its hard to believe that our first little Bradley baby is already 2 and the others will soon follow.

Thursday evening Jason and I decided to take advantage of my mom being here and had a date night. If you remember from the past we usually are not very successful when it comes to date night (movie brakes half way into it, choosing a bad movie, etc). Well, this one was no exception. We tried a new eatery that is supposedly known for their chicken fried steak and we would say it was sub par at best. We then decided we would go bowling, but of course Thursday nights just happen to be league play and there was nothing showing at the theatre that we wanted to see. We ended up making a quick trip into Walmart (a store we both hate, but they have these specific kids rubber bands that I wanted to get to put Blythe's hair in a ponytail) to get a few non-exciting items like q-tips, rubber bands, and shampoo/conditioner. Since Walmart is right next door to Lowe's I conceded to Jason's request to walk around Lowe's and we concluded our 'date night' at Hastings where we rented Where The Wild Things Are. I bailed on the movie about half way into it and went to bed.

I wish I could say that I am still up beat and positive and looking at the glass as half full, but to be honest this 'late/past the due date' whatever you want to call it really SUCKS. I am tired of being tired, I am tired of wishing I had the energy to do more fun things with Blythe, I am tired of waking up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom only to realize that it is another night that I am not in labor. I am tired of waking up each morning to another day without the baby. BUT we are healthy, have great family and friends, and hey we have an end date. From this I have learned that next time the date I am going to put in my head is the 42 week date because no doctor will let you go past that and then I won't have to play this psychological game. Physically I am fine so if I had a 'due date' of July 13th in my head none of these feelings would be here and it just seems so silly to let this arbitrary date rock our world, but alas it has.

The 1.5 mile run I went on yesterday morning, plus the prenatal massage, plus the 20 minutes of pumping have not, thus far, yielded any results. I ran again this morning, I figure I have nothing to lose and heck even if we make it till Tuesday (which I am counting on) I will at least be in better shape going into the birth.

So today is to the small things that we forget to enjoy everyday.

Have a great weekend!

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