
Ft. Worth Zoo

Becky and Mr. Wilkes took Blythe and I to the Ft. Worth Zoo! It was a power zoo trip because we only had a little over 2 hours before they closed, but it was a great one and we saw a ton of animals.




Certainly the highlight of the trip for Becky was brushing the goat. He LOVED it. We couldn't convince Blythe to brush him, but she enjoyed watching Becky.


Papa made a lot of preparations for our visit. He brought in sand for the sandbox and even attempted to fix the slide. I say attempt because unfortunately when we went to glue the slide down we didn't get it lined up just right so we had to start over. The shop that sells the slide material (I am drawing a blank on what its called) was not open on Saturday so we will have to wait and try out the slide next time.


Thanks for the new dress !

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